Be in stride. Work in Stride. Comply…

Our Services

We offer unique strategies and a step by step approach, that we call the “journey” approach, to help our clients reach their operations and compliance goals. Our services are personalized to the client’s needs and goals. Our process has been shown to effectively assist clients in goal setting and achieving objectives, peacefully, effectively and efficiently. Our professionals meet clients where they are, and they use effective client communication strategies intended to bring more clarity and less stress than traditional means of engagement. We help clients implement effective strategies for success, along with helping clients engage and providing guidance on compliance and risk assessments, operations review, auditing, monitoring, planning and implementation.  Our process allows us to ensure that we can be available as much or as little as the client needs us to be along each of step of their unique journeys.

Our Clients

Health Care

Comply In Stride is an innovator of unique workplace operations and compliance strategies that we use in our own operations and to assist clients. Our clients include those seeking a new approach and include C-Suite executives, operations professionals and compliance and operations teams within the health care industry and business leaders in other high stress sectors.

Our process of assisting clients has been found to be successful in supporting new industry leaders searching for an effective approach to reaching goals and also to experience leaders and teams that are sought after professionals in their own right in the industry who may just be looking for a new approach. We have found that the easy to learn techniques and practices that we use to assist our clients are scalable and easily adaptable to a variety of types and sizes of business structures. We are best matched with clients interested in a way of reaching their goals, including meeting industry compliance requirements, in a less stressful and more effective manner than some traditional approaches.


Comply In Stride assists many sizes of business operations facing operational and compliance challenges by assisting clients in identifying root causes of compliance and operational issues, assisting clients identify where they are in relation to their goals and assisting clients implement effective strategies to address complex workplace challenges, step by step, including, but not limited to, cultural, operational, compliance and business challenges that may have previously kept them from reaching their goals.

The types of corporate operations and businesses that best fit our practices are those that are looking for a unique and effective approach to operations and culture setting that takes into account both the needs of the organization and the individuals that work within the organization to bring it success. Businesses and their departments that focus on the unique makeup of their workforce and effective strategies to engage that workforce are the most successful. We study the strategies that are proving effective, today, and help clients evaluate and implement what works best for their operations

Small Business Support

We not only work with individuals and teams in mid- to large-sized organizations, but we also often have the opportunity to work with smaller businesses and clinics. Our team has a unique understanding of small business operations, and we understand the unique challenges that go along with owning and operating small business while also trying to meet compliance and industry requirements, especially in healthcare. We have many years of experience in helping clients establish businesses in the health care sector and later work to achieve goals and meet challenges faced as their businesses grow.  Whether you are just getting started or needing help somewhere along the way, we are committed to meeting you where you are and walking the journey with you where and when you need us.

Workplace Conflict Resolution and Transformative Processes

Our professionals assist clients in addressing cultural issues that arise in businesses, from time to time, and we have experience in helping clients address conflicts that arise that may be keeping them from reaching their goals.  We can help clients effectively address conflicts that may occur within their business operations and can assist in implementing effective strategies and transformative processes that prevent, identify and address conflicts and other such issues that can lead to low employee morale, high turnover, operations dysfunction and ineffective compliance.


P.O. Box 2023
Helena, MT 59624


(844) 888-0464

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